Sunday, February 9, 2014

Look What I've Been Up To...

We got the place. We moved in.

Yep. Life rocks. Now we cook our own dinner. Wash our own clothes. Go to bed whenever we want to (and that includes a substantial rise in the number of naps I have per week). And what's best...? We don't work! Well not yet anyway. All is right in the world, no 6am wake up, no dauntingly long eight hours of staring at a computer screen to look forward to, no mindless banter with people you have to pretend are your friends! Ahhh, bliss. We start Uni in about a month and I'm more than excited. I've waited what feels like forever to start learning and writing again. I already love everything about Melbourne. So much culture. So many opportunities. And everything is in close proximity! Even what is considered travelling a "long" distance is really only a max. twenty minute drive! I'm pretty much overflowing with happiness. I can't even bring myself to care even slightly about the tyres that persistently screech with confidence right outside despite what hour of the early morning or late night it is. Nope, not even the slamming of doors or the belting of music in the next room could phase me.

Some other things that have happened (prior to the move):

  • I got a scholarship. Yep. Thanks Deakin Uni, that's $7,500 per year for the duration of my course that I don't have to worry about. Ahhhhh so blessed.
  • I got my red P's. I neglected to really commit to getting my licence in high school but hey a few years late is better than never?!
  • I finished up working. Yep the day before I left for Melbourne was my last day as a full time worker for hopefully a few good years. Lesson learnt: When you're eighteen with dreams of tertiary education and lifelong wealth and happiness, working full time in a mindless administration position that generally goes to any brainless halfwit isn't the best way to spend a year.
  • I finished up boot camp after four months with approx. 5.5kg lost and a bunch of motivation to continue gained. It's amazing what seeing a little progress can do to keep your mind on the right track.

Anyway, here are some happy snaps from my Instagram of our time so far in the new place.

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